Sunday, January 30, 2011

Relief Sculpture Pizza

This was a relief sculpture project that the 6th graders did a couple years back.  Each student created their own slice of pizza.  If you look closely, you will see their use of recycled materials.  The kids had a lot of fun making this.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Song Lyrics Project

This was inspired by the song Singin To The Sea which was composed by the artist herself.

This painting was created by a boy who was really inspired by one of Eddie Van Halen's CD covers, Both Worlds.  It was so interesting to watch him paint these panels.  Each one is about 18" x 12".  He layered paint, created stencils, and layered more paint.  It was very much about the process for him which can be more important than the product.

The song Teenage Dream by Katy Perry inspired this artist to create what she did.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flower Mural

I just had to post this picture because I'm so proud of the project and we finally finished it this month.  My father and I were commissioned by the Wilton Library to paint another mural within their children's center.  It took us about 8 months of work to complete the painting.  The greatest part of the project was being able to do it with my dad...he is an amazing artist, and we were so lucky to be able to do something like this together.  The picture above is only a piece of the whole thing so you will have to go there to see the rest.

Cardboard Sculpture

My 8th graders work with cardboard while they are in my room.  Above are some examples of finished projects.  They love the recycled medium and discover there are so many different ways to manipulate cardboard.  Emphasis is on craftsmanship, creativity, & achieving texture.  Check out some of the links I have posted on the right of my blog to see some amazing cardboard sculptures done by professional artists.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Paper Snowflakes

These amazing snowflakes were created by a 13 year old artist.  She has an incredible patience level to cut such intricate designs.  Something to think about when you are making your own cut paper snowflakes; use thin paper, and try to cut away at least 50% of the paper with your designs.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mixed Media Observational Drawings

Each class was given different objects to draw first hand in different perspectives.  They then had the freedom of finishing their drawings with whatever media they wanted.  Most students used marker, paint, & different types of collage material.  Look the detail and care of that car picture above.  Fantastic craftsmanship!

Relief Sculpture Examples


These are relief sculptures measuring about 15"x12".  After studying Frank Stella's artwork, the student's were inspired to create these sculptures.  First we painted textured paper which was then glued to thicker board and cut into interesting shapes.  After choosing a desired composition, the students staggered their pieces at different height levels.  They are striking in person.

Charcoal Drawing

These charcoal drawings were done by some of my 7th grade students.  Charcoal is an amazing medium to work in, especially when learning how to blend and shade different values.  They are 18" x 24" big.
These are 5th grade watercolors that were done several years back.

Blind Contour Drawing

This has to be my favorite blind contour drawing that any student has ever done.  A sixth grade boy named Peter drew this.  It looks so effortless and melodic.  I just love it!

Relief Sculpture - Grade 6

This is my pizza project that I did with some of my 6th grade classes.  Each student created their own slice of pizza from a paper mache constructed form.  They were encouraged to bring in recycled material to use for this project.  Designing emphasis was on the principles of art.  Students chose which principle they wanted to showcase on their pizza slice.  I think they are more fabulous in person, but it was such a fun project I wanted to share it.  There are so many variations you could do on this idea.